Appendix G: Information Structures--Causal Discussion

Another important information structure often used in technical communications is the discussion of causes and effects. Discussions like these answer questions such as the following: Note: See the complete example of a causal discussion.

Some examples: What causes tornadoes? What sorts of damage do tornadoes cause? What will happen if the world continues to use petroleum resources at its current rate? What were the causes of the Great Depression? What are the effects of an economic recession? How does a photocopier work? What makes a microwave oven work? (Does this sound like your seven-year-old?)

As you can see from these examples, we can discuss the causes and effects of human or social processes, natural processes, mechanical or physical processes, historical or economic processes, meteorological or biological processes, and on and on.

If you think about it, there's not much difference between process discussion and causal discussion. Both occur over time; steps in a process often involve causes and effects. The distinction depends on your purpose and emphasis: process discussions are primarily concerned with how an event occurs; causal discussions, with why an event occurs. Process discussion focuses on the chronology of something; causal discussion focuses on the causes and effects. I can tell you step by step how to take a photo or what events occur inside the camera when you take a picture-that's process. But I can also explain to you what physical and chemical principles are at work when you take a photo, what principles actually enable you to take a photo-that's causal discussion. For some topics, however, such as explaining tornadoes, it's almost impossible to make a distinction. Here are some contrasting examples:

Subject            	Process discussion         	Causal discussion

Lightning                How to safeguard home         What natural phenomena
                         appliances from lightning     cause lightning

Instruction              How to set up understand-     What causes instructions to
writing                  able instructions             be unclear

Acquisition of           How to help children          Why certain children learn
language by              learn language more           learn language more
children                 rapidly                       rapidly

Growing tomatoes         How to plant and care for     Reasons why tomatoes
                         tomatoes                      are less productive

Air conditioning         How cool air is produced      Why your air conditioning
                         by conventional systems       is costing you more this 

Here are some common reasons why we need to discuss causal and effects:

Organization for Causal Discussions

How you organize the contents of a causal discussion depends on how many and what combination of causes and effects you discuss: Figure G-5. Organization of effects in a short causal discussion.First, the cause is stated; then the effects are discussed one after another.

Consider a simple example: imagine you want to discuss how a single situation has led to a number of problems, in other words, one cause leading to several effects. In a single paragraph, the first couple of sentences might focus on the cause; each of the following sentences would focus on the effects. In an extended discussion, there might be a paragraph on the cause, and a paragraph on each of the effects. Take a look at the examples of organizational patterns like these in Figure G-5. The schematic diagram of a causal discussion in Figure G-9 shows you how the extended approach would look.

Discussing Causes and Effects

Actual discussion of causes and effects is not as immediately identifiable as descriptive or process writing are. Typically, causal discussions talk about events and describe things. What makes causal discussions distinctive is the use of transitional words to indicate the causes and effects.

In the sentence "Increased deficit spending by the government leads to increased inflation" the verb "leads to" establishes the connection between a cause and an effect-actually, it establishes the two noun phrases as cause and effect, respectively. In this excerpt, the connective "consequently" establishes a causal link between the increasing domestic anger over the Vietnam war and Johnson's decision not to seek reelection: "Meanwhile at home, anger, hostility, and outright revolt against the war grew. Johnson, sensing he could not get reelected in this atmosphere, consequently decided against running for another term."

Figure G-6 shows how heavily description can get involved in discussing causes and effects; other examples in this section show how much process discussion gets involved.

Figure G-6. Description in causal discussion: to discuss the effects of the eruption of Mount St. Helen, much description has to be used.

Figure G-7. Various types of cause-effect relationships. The top example involves a single cause and single effect; the middle example involves a single cause and multiple effects; the bottom example involves a sequence of causes and effects (with each effect turning into a cause).

Figure G-8. An extended causal discussion: focus on a single cause for one or more paragraphs.

Format for Causal Discussions

Here are a few suggestions on format as they relate specifically to causal discussions: Figure G-9. Schematic view of cause-effect discussions. Remember that this is just a typical or common model for the contents and organization--many others are possible.

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